Sunday, November 21, 2010

How to remove TWLauncher from galaxy s?


1) You can only uninstall touch wiz if your galaxy S is on froyo

2) Uninstalling of touch wiz makes your system less lag when you are running launcher pro or ADW launcher, however the process is NOT reversible. And you need to have touch wiz to syn to kies, without kies you are unable to update firmware through kies. However you are able to do it manually with Odin flash rom (procedures are discussed in this blog). I strongly suggest you freeze it with titanium backup pro which can be found on this blog as well.

Failure to comply will result in " Android.process.acore " force stopped error and all your contacts will not be able to load (although they are still inside your sim card)

k let's start....

First pick your alternative launcher,

1) ADW launcher (can be found and downloaded in android market)

2) Launcher pro plus v0.8.1.1

Comparison between these 2:
-ADW has ALOT ALOT (yes I emphasize this) of set themes from the market so that you can change it's appearance effortlessly. For launcherpro, the icons and docks appearances are more customizable but you have to DIY with this app Launcher pro icons & docks
-Launcher pro has a very cool 3D drawer and scrollable/swipable dock which makes putting icons on the homescreen redundant because all the apps can be accessed easily via the dock
-Launcher pro has alot of widgets to go along with it, one noticeable one is the people's widget where you can have all your contacts on a scrollable window.

Both are great launcher and better than the touch wiz, I can guarantee you will like them.


  1. Is there any way to get my contacts from my phone even with the "Android.process.acore" problem?

  2. i don't tink so since the acore can't load
