Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Galaxy S vs iphone 4

more pics for screen comparison

More videos comparison:

Haven you bought the right phone?

Galaxy S Samoled vs iphone4's rectina

1.) True black (infinite contrast ratio) vs iPhone 4 CR at 800:1. Black is black on Super amoled but grey or washed out black on rectina.

2.) 1 MICRO seconds Refresh rate vs 25 mill seconds aka faster image response time, no ghosting

3.) Infinite viewing angle vs varying degrees of brightness at different levels without losing colours.

4.) Emissive display has better color reproduction vs transmissive displays

5.) OLED doesn’t need a back-light so you will actually have more battery life watching movies and galaxy s has a 1500mah battery compared to iphone4's 1420mah.

6.) Larger screen 4 inch vs 3.5 inch. Bigger for you to your fingers on.

Galaxy S hardware vs iphone4's hardware
sgx 540 GPU (90million triangles per sec) vs sgx 535 GPU (28million triangles per sec)
1GHZ A8 Cortex processor vs underclocked 800mhzA4 processor(made by samsung too)

Able to insert a 32GB sd card on top of 16GB on the galaxy s vs unadd-able 32GB ip4

SWYPE (very very VERY relaxing way of inputting text with 1 finger) vs tedious tapping

HDMI out via cable or wirelessly through dLNA certified devices vs well idk

Widgets and live wall paper on your galaxy s vs Dull folders on the apple's home screen

Galaxy S screen aspect ratio is 15:9 while iphone4 has 15:10, which means when fitting a 16:9 wide screen video you will experience a thin black line on rectina in top. The image area gets lesser on the iphone4 if your video has subtitles.

An unrooted galaxy S is as free as a jailbreaked iphone4. And you have to jailbreak iphone4 to get freedom on an average of once/month.

Galaxy S do not have the death grip

ip4 cracks on first drop, gorilla glass is much tougher than the one on ip4

Too many people carrying a ip4, you are not unique if you have one

Galaxy S is lighter

Flash 10.1 on galaxy S vs erm idk

Internet tethering right out of the box for galaxy s via wifi (can connect up to 3 devices including your laptop) vs erm idk

How to stop my download on Galaxy S? There isn't a cancel button on the notification bar!

Simple, just switch to flight mode and the download will be canceled. If in any case do you want to delete the file that has been downloaded by accident, you can either look for it under your sd card> download folder or going to your internet browser> menu> more > downloads and a download history will appear, clear them from there.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Why is Galaxy S keep getting drained off it's power?

You can avoid this by downloading an advance task killer from the android market. Set it to every 30 mins kill off all applications and free up memory. Remember you must also disable the "allow background data" options from the settings. Avoid using applications that has Ads. Lower down your screen brightness. You might also want to download "APNdroid" from the android market. This is a very useful app that allows you to toggle between non gprs and gprs data xfer mode.

PS games on Galaxy S - PSX4droid



PSX bios

Final Fantasy VII ROMs:
FFVII disc 1/3
FFVII disc 2/3
FFVII disc 3/3

How to use?

Download all the files on top and extract to a directory on your pc if they are zipped.
If the rom is in .ecm format, use the converter to convert it to .bin
how to convert? simply right click on the .ecm file and open with unecm.exe which can be found inside the converter file.
then transfer the psx bios and rom into anywhere on your phone's sd card, but pls remember the path.

After transfering, install the emulator on your phone. Hit run, browse to the psx bios (there are alot to pick from just take anyone of them), browse to your rom and you are good to go. How to install the emulator? Pls read the first post of this blog on using adb to install non market application.


Friday, September 17, 2010

Mahjong and chinese chess for android

no pic or video here, but trust me they are quality ones =D

Chinese chess apk

Mahjong apk

Gameboid (gameboy advance emulator + bios)

Play gameboy advance games on your android phone now!

Gameboid 1.13 apk

For a list of quality game roms download come here :

GBA top roms

Crush the castle android

crush the castle apk

Iron sight android

Iron sight apk

Baseball Superstars 2010 android

Baseball Superstars 2010 apk

Crusade Of Destiny android

Crusade of destiny apk

Overkill android

Overkill apk

ShootU! android

ShootU apk

Atilt android

Atilt apk

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Assassins Creed Altairs android

Assassins Creed Altairs apk
Assassins Creed Altairs data files

Hero of Sparta android

Hero of sparta apk + data files

Let's golf android

Let's gold apk + data files

Dungeon hunter android

Dungeon hunter apk + files

H.A.W.X android

HawX apk(no accelerometer+ data files

HawX apk with accelerometer

when you install the file with accelerometer, a pop out sign in korean will appear, just press the back button to continue. Make sure you have downloaded the data pack above and put in the corresponding folder. But take note, even with the pack itself, you will still be prompted for additional data download, just proceed on doing so. After you are done you will be able to enjoy hawkX with accelerometer.

Real football 2010

real football 2010 apk + data files

N.O.V.A ; Asphalt 5; Modern combat: Sandstorm android

Download 3 in 1 pack apk + data files

Installation instructions:
1) use the adb to install the .apk files (inside the zipped download files) -> more info at first post of this whole blog.
2) the rest of the files in the zipped download files are actually the data files. Extract them to your sd card so that in the end the path where everything gets dumped in will be like this eg. sd card:/gameloft/games/nova/ These data files are somewhat preloaded files so that you dont have to download any stuff from the internet to enjoy your games.

Take note that the directory is gameloft/games not gameloft/game

It is recommended that you use a download manager to download the files if they are moving at snail pace because sometimes the connections drop.

Crustallight apk

Deadrunner android

Dead runner apk

Meteor Blitz

Meteor Blitz android

Sky siege android

Sky siege apk

Fruit Samurai android

Fruit Samurai apk

Blow up android

Blowup apk

Thursday, September 9, 2010

4 Teh birds

4 teh birds apk

Flight frenzy android

flight frenzy apk

Helirescue v1.2.0 android

Helirescue apk

Fishin 2 Go android

Fishin 2 Go apk

Zenonia android

Zenonia apk

Heavy gunner android

Heavy gunner apk

Caligo Chaser android


Caligo chaser apk

How to install non market .apk games on Galaxy S ; ADB (Android debugger bridge) ; How to use ADB to install games ?

Want to play free games on your newly bought android phone? You have came to the right place!

Follow my instruction closely and you will be on your way to pleasure!

Important Things you need/need to do!:
1) usb cable to connect your phone to your pc
2) usb driver cd that comes alone with your phone package
3) Android SDK
4) Check phone settings: menu>settings> applications> tick "Unknown sources" then go to "development", tick "USB debugging".

K here are the instructions>

step 1: After you have downloaded the Android SDK, unzip to a folder. eg D:\android-sdk-windows\

The tools to install the games onto your phone is called ADB (Android Debugger Bridge), is inside the Android SDK zipped file and it runs in MS DOS mode, therefore do the following steps so that you can access it in your ms prompt:

Right click My Computer for Properties> Advance tab > system variables > path > edit > variable value > key in the file directory of your "tools" folder. eg D:\android-sdk-windows\tools

remember to add a semicolon in front as a separator between other paths !

After all these just press OK.

step 2:
Install the usb driver to your pc with the usb driver cd that came along with your phone purchase.

Connect your phone to your pc via the usb cable.

check whether your usb driver is working by looking at here. I hope you know the way to device manager because I am not going to go into that:

Now you are connected!

step 3: now the time has arrival to carry out your installation

IMPORTANT Now you need to make sure your sd card in your phone isn't mounted when connected to your pc. To check if it is mounted, drag down the message notification panel at the home screen (the panel that shows new unread messages which you can access by tapping and dragging from extreme top to bottom at the android home screen). Sorry I can't provide any screenshot for this but I believe my description has been obvious enough.

Make sure that your SD card is unmounted!

Games are installed by those .apk files. Here is one game which you can download for demonstration purposes : Angry birds

Put it in a folder on your pc. eg d:/apk

Let the installation starts!

follow closely
on your pc go start>run>cmd>ok

A ms prompt window will pop out, if you cannot access cmd, then make a google search on how to enable it.

type the following to install:

adb install -l [Full path of the apk file][apk file name]

the -l is L not i

eg. adb install -l d:/apk/viv.tehbirds.apk

Then woot! if your installation is successful, you will see something like installation success on the ms prompt.

If you got an error that says " error: device not found ",
it means you NEVER follow my instructions carefully ! Re read again then.

Some games require downloads from the internet, and if your version of .apk is outdated, you will not be able to play the game. Treat is as a piracy protection from the developer and find another! Please try not to rename the .apk files because download won't work if you do that.
